The combination of special rubber and the millions of fine fibers in the composition gives the ability of the obtained membrane to deform along with the substrate without crackings and loosing adhesion, regardless of the weather conditions and the temperature changes. “IsoELAST” is quickly and easily applied by a brush. The coating dries for about 4 hours, facilitates the application and saves time and labor. The waterproofing with “IsoELAST” is resistant to the hazardous impact of the UV radiation thanks to it’s specific structure (small bituminous drops, protected by a layer of inorganic emulsifier), which provides tested durability of the material of over 10 years. Incombustible and ecological. The product does not contain any organic solvents, it is not fire hazardous and is safe for the health and environment.

ISOELAST conforms EN 15814 and has CE marking. Manufacturing is under quality control system ISO 9001:2015.

    • Waterproofing of new flat and sloped reinforced concrete roofs
    • Repair and maintenance of aged roof waterproofing
    • Repair of roofs with bituminous shingles
    • Waterproofing of sheet metal roofs
    • Waterproofing of foundations
  • Water tightness: class W2B /EN 15280/
  • Resistance to compression: class C2B /EN 15815/
  • Crack bridge properties: C2B /EN 15812/
  • Dimensional stability at high temperature: pass /EN 15818/
  • Flexibility at low temperatures: pass /EN 15813/
  • Drying time: 4-8 hours at 23°C

Preparation of the substrate:

The surfaces should be solid, well cleaned, without dust and frost. Compensating tape ISOMAX must be mounted over joints, corners between floor and walls, columns, etc. When an old waterproofing needs repairing, it should be preliminary treated, by removing loose and damaged parts, and making “patches” with ISOELAST and polyester veil.

Performance of the waterproofing:

With a brush, apply over the whole surface primer “Ecogrund Isomax” (consumption 0.300 kg/m²). Wait till the primer is fully dry (approx. 30 minutes). Apply a layer of ISOELAST with a brush and immediately put reinforcing glass-fiber net/polyester veil, stretch it and lay on ISOELAST again. After the first layer has dried completely apply consequently two even layers of ISOELAST, using a brush.

For increased durability and aesthetics apply finishing layer of coloured ISOELAST – red, green or grey (consumption 0.300 kg/m²).

For waterproofing against underground water ISOELAST is placed upon the base concrete prior the reinforced concrete foundations. At waterproofing of dilatation joints and active crackings, mount compensating tape ISOMAX by fixing it with ISOELAST only on the upper surface, so that the rubber on the downside remains dry and unstuck in order to compensate the movements of the joint.

  • Plastic buckets of 10 kg and 20 kg
  • Euro-pallets: 24 pcs. x 20 kg; 36 pcs. x 10 kg
  • Flat roofs – 3.5 ÷ 5.0 kg/m²
  • Underground waterproofing – 4.0 kg/m²
  • Waterproofing of “green roofs” – 5.0 kg/m²
  • Sloped roofs, sheet metal, bitumen shingles – 3.0 kg/m²
  • For waterproofing against underground water ISOELAST is placed upon a concrete base prior the reinforced concrete foundations.
  •  To be stored indoors at temperature above +5°C.
  • Don’t mix ISOELAST with other materials and fillers!
  • Cleaning: Clean the tools with water till ISOELAST is still wet. Use organic solvents when the paste has dried.
  • Depending on the moist of the substrate and the ambient temperature, you can add up to 5% water to obtain workable consistency for easy application.