
The basic difference between roll-on bitumen materials and “ISOMAX” pastes is in the method of forming the waterproofing membrane. When using roll-on bituminous waterproofing membranes, the membrane is produced in the manufacturers’ fabrics and has to be installed on the substrate through glueing with hot bitumen or by a gas-brener. This is hard and ineffective process, resulting in waterproofing membrane, that is not fully glued to the substrate, with numerous joints and splices. When using waterproofing pastes “ISOMAX” and non weavered polyester viel, the waterproofing membrane is executed directly on the substrate, through “layer-by-layer” method, forming a membrane with the exact shape of the substrate. The most important advantage in using “ISOMAX” pastes is the temperature resistance. Isomax products are capable of holding down temperatures in the range of -40°C to 140°C! In addition, our secret “aging protector” inside the materials is what makes the bitumen last longer, over 10 years. Moreover, you obtain a continuous, jointless waterproofing membrane, covering 100% of the substrate. This way, you avoid the biggest disadvantage of the roll-on materials – the presence of splices and joints. In the course of the past 31 years, “ISOMAX” pastes have proved themselves, as an universal solution to all kinds of problems which can appear when executing waterproofings, no matter what the substrate is: roofs, terraces, pools, basements, foundations, thermoisolations, metal constructions, plastics, etc.

Method of execution:

The quality characteristics of ISOMAX waterproofings are guaranteed if precisely following the simple technology of execution:
“Ecogrund Isomax” has to be applied over the well cleaned substrate. After it’s drying, (approx. 20 min) layers of ISOMAX paste and reinforcing material are laid. The number of layers depends on the kind of the substrate (underground, terraces, roofs).

All layers are laid manualy, with long-hair brush. Work temperature of air – not less than +5°C.