“Ecogrund-ISOMAX” is one component polymer-bituminous suspension, solvents free, harmless to humans and the environment.

Produced from polymer-bitumen, which provides flexible connection with the substrate, very high adhesion and self-adhesive effect.

  • Applied on both dry and damp surfaces.
  • Quick drying: 15-30 minutes.
  • Non flammable.

Does the most important: a strong flexible connection between the substrate and the due waterproofing!
For priming surfaces prior to application of bituminous membranes and liquid waterproofings..

Can be applied on:

  • concrete and metal surfaces
  • old bituminous materials
  • other waterproofings
  • cement putty
  • wood
  • Appearance: Dark brown to black liquid.
  • Chemical basis: water solution of polymer-bitumen.
  • Weight: 1,0 – 1,05 kg/l
  • Dry matter: ≥ 30%
  • Polymer-bituminous content: ≥ 25%
  • pH: 6.7 to 7.5
  • Drying time: 30 min (at 23°C and humidity 50%)
  • Adhesion to concrete: ≥ 1,6 N / mm²

1. Substrate Preparation: Surfaces must be sound, frost free, lined, well cleaned, free of dust and stains from oil or other lowering adhesion materials.

2. “Ecogrund-ISOMAX” is ready for use and requires no further dilution. Before work it is necessary the bucket to be shaken well. It is applied in one layer with a brush or roller. Can be applied by spraying with suitable technique for viscous liquids.

3. Consumption: 200 ÷ 400 gr/m², depending on the porosity of the substrate.

4. Drying time: 15 ÷ 30 minutes at 23° C and humidity 50%.

5. Application temperature: 5° C to 35° C

  • Plastic buckets of 5 kg and 18 kg.
  • Pallets of respectively 450 kg and 432 kg.

Store in a dry place and closed at temperatures above +5°C. Shelf life in original, unopened packages – at least 24 months from date of manufacture.